Manufacturer of Isolators / Stockiest of Over Head Line Materials / Govt Contractors.

Balaji Engineers - Manufacturer of Electrical Equipments and Government Licensed Electrical Contractor in  Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, India
  • Behind Kolhapur Axle,

  • M.I.D.C., Shiroli, Kolhapur

Balaji Engineers - Manufacturer of Electrical Equipments and Government Licensed Electrical Contractor in  Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, India

Earthing Electrode Installation

In case of 1 Meter Electrode all category in soft soil manual excavation can be done up to 1 Meter, with dimension 1Feet x1Feet X 1 Meter, pits is to be prepared by manually, After that 1 Meter PERFECT EARTH ELCTRODE is to alien in the center of the pit.

Earthing Electrode Installation

Main while Back Fill Compounds EEC (Earth Enhance Compound ) is to mix with water make a medium type slurry in bucket, BY keeping centre the Electrode EEH slurry will be inserted in hallow gap of electrode section ,after 25 % we need to insert 25% Soil again in this way we need to do sandwich type EEH slurry and Soil in hallow pit, After completion of processes A Proper civil Chamber is to be built around Earthing Electrode And a adequate watering system should provided to each chamber

Earthing Electrode Installation

In Case of 2/3 Meter electrode and in hard soil boring (drilling) is required ; with boring vehicle makes 8’’ Drill in hard rocky soil, Bore machine makes 10 Feet boring ,after that Technician should insert Earthing electrode in the center of the pit and back filling power method is same as given above (as like 1 meter),After three Days Copper strip 25x5 / GI strip 50 x 10 etc are connected through luging tip of Eathing electrode to equipment’s.

Earthing Electrode Installation

Balaji Engineers has a fully trained technical team that can design earthing sizes and locations, as well as install earthing with a bore vehical. We take on earthing maintenance jobs where we check all earthing properly and include it after inspection of the earth pit for adding earth enhance compound or completely replacing with new earthing.

Earthing Electrode Installation

We provide customised earthing also in rocky soil of 6 Meter upto 150 MM Earth Electrode with earth enhance compound as well as jelly .

Earthing Electrode Installation